Dude, they won't. Seriously, get over it. This has been a long time coming, everyone knew that the industry itself was going this way. You can kick and scream but the inevitable is just that... Sprint won't stay Unlimited for ever. They will follow suit when they see that they can do so and still make tons of money like everyone else does.
To the dude claiming it is hard to not go over 20GB a month, I think that if you are some kid that lives on their phone rather than going out and having a real life, possibly... I mean, if you watch Netflix for a couple hours a day, that would do it, but don't you have a laptop, PS3 or PC for that?
But Sir, all are not identical... and all of this are just opinions and pride.... no right and wrong of what you can and can't do. Not many as fortunate as the next person and just leave it at that