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VZW disabling tethering apps from market

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OK, I'm seeing several new people posting on this thread that aren't familiar with our board. Please calm down and keep the tone of the posts inline.
Real story: When Froyo was first released for the OG Droid, I noticed under "Settings -> Wireless & Networks" there was a new choice: "Tether." It worked fine if you were on a WiFi network, but if you were on a 3G connection, and you tried to access the web it took you to a page telling you this was an extra service you had to pay for.

So I called the number on that page because I was perfectly willing to pay for it (never know when you might need it, right?). Here's the thing: NO ONE I SPOKE TO AT VERIZON KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!

I was bounced from one department to the next. I tried to explain... this was THEIR phone. I had just installed an update THEY sent me. It took me to a page hosted on THEIR servers. No one knew what I was talking about!!

Finally they transferred me to someone at (ready for this??) GOOGLE!! The person I spoke to there is the one who told me about PDANet! So I downloaded it, installed it, and voila! USB Tethering without any additional charge!

And I agree with those who say "Data is data." It doesn't matter how it is accessed, you are paying for unlimited data, you should GET unlimited data. Put it this way... if I pay for a gallon of gasoline, am I charged any different if that gasoline is pumped into a car, a motorcycle, or a can? NO! I paid for a gallon of gasoline and I GET a gallon of gasoline. PERIOD! No gas station charges you differently for whatever you put that gallon of gasoline into. Data should be the same.

I use gasoline in my analogy because NOBODY is ripping off the consumer the way the oil and gas industry is right now, and even THEY have their limits.

Please calm down people. This is a good discussion and I don't want to have to close this thread.

sent from droidforums app

Well said. I just can't for the life of me figure out why those that think you talk about tethering and you do it that everyone thinks you assume it is ok, and wants to say vzw knows what you are doing.

If there goal is to eliminate tethering and can tell who is doing it why they would tiptoe around the issue, and not suspend your service. After all the allegations are it's harder on the system, and you are stealing.

The slinging of its in your TOS you would think that since you are in breech of that it would be noted that they can suspend you without warning.

At least that is what the Guy from Verizon said. The suspension part.

I'm just saying

Sent from my Droid

I think that's a pretty good way to lose a customer. I'm sure Verizon's goal is to stop tethering but to still keep you paying for their service.
forget that..!!!!!!! everybody tether away....!!!!!! ive paid for the data once.. im not goin to pay twice for something i have unlimited for.... sorry i dont mean to flame or troll... its just these companys dont know how else to rape us... when its bad enuff the people are just trying to mantain a roof over there heads and there still trying to bang you for something youve paid for already...

p.s im gulity of tethering but i dont go over 5 gigs with both phone and tethering together... i dont get greedy and hog up the system... but damn it i should be able to tether if i damn want to

I agree.... Verizon is gettin greedy.

Have you compared their pricing to AT&T or T-Mobile?

AT&T's "4G" data rate is $45 for 4GB including tethering

T-Mobile's "4G" drops you to 3G speeds once you cross 2GB of data (tethering is extra)

Verizon's LTE is *still* $29.99 for unlimited smartphone data.

Yeah, VZW is the greedy ones here, not you.
Also your not stealing, how is it stealing if you are paying for the service? That is stupid right there...I pay 165 a month and verizon gets there panties in a bunch. I am stealing? Seriously?

Stealing? Not for me to be the moral police. Violating a legally binding contract you signed when you signed up for service? Yes, that you are if you are tethering and not paying for it.
4G is another topic entirely. I think if I tethered all month long on my 3G connection I couldn't get anywhere NEAR what someone on a 4G connection could do in a few days...
I just don't understand all the people who state they are going to leave VZW. They have the premier cellular network in the country. Yes in some areas there are better carriers, but look at the JD Power surveys. They are tops in almost every region. They arenot tops here in Chicago, US Cellular came in first and VZW second, but US Cell cannot even provide their own coverage in large chunks of their home market.

Of the 4 major carriers NO ONE offers truly unlimited data.

AT&T offers NO unlimited data plans for Android devices.
T-Mobile throttles you after a measly 2GB of data
And for everyone who wants to switch to Sprint ....... here's a little tidbit right off of the "details" page for their "Truly Unlimited Everything" plan. Look it up for your area code. Ready?

"Voice/Data Usage Limitation: Sprint reserves the right, without notice, to limit throughput speeds, and to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if off-network usage in a month exceeds: (1) voice: 800 min. or a majority of minutes; or (2) data: 300 megabytes or a majority of kilobytes. Prohibited network use rules apply. See in-store materials or sprint.com/termsandconditions for specific prohibited uses."

Yeah, you notice Dan Hesse never mentions the above in his ads.

Honestly, you don't like VZW, please leave. But bear in mind they are not the only ones who are trying to stop people from using their 4G smartphone plans as a replacement for your home ISP.
Of the 4 major carriers NO ONE offers truly unlimited data.

AT&T offers NO unlimited data plans for Android devices.
T-Mobile throttles you after a measly 2GB of data
And for everyone who wants to switch to Sprint ....... here's a little tidbit right off of the "details" page for their "Truly Unlimited Everything" plan. Look it up for your area code. Ready?

"Voice/Data Usage Limitation: Sprint reserves the right, without notice, to limit throughput speeds, and to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if off-network usage in a month exceeds: (1) voice: 800 min. or a majority of minutes; or (2) data: 300 megabytes or a majority of kilobytes. Prohibited network use rules apply. See in-store materials or sprint.com/termsandconditions for specific prohibited uses."

Stupid lack of an edit button.

If you go to the terms an conditions url listed you will see the following for this "unlimited" plan:

Examples of prohibited data uses: Sprint data services are provided solely for purposes of web surfing, sending and receiving email, photographs and other similar messaging activities, and the non-continuous streaming of videos, downloading of files or on line gaming. Our data services may not be used: (i) to generate excessive amounts of Internet traffic through the continuous, unattended streaming, downloading or uploading of videos or other files or to operate hosting services including, but not limited to, web or gaming hosting; (ii) to maintain continuous active network connections to the Internet such as through a web camera or machine-to-machine connections that do not involve active participation by a person; (iii) to disrupt email use by others using automated or manual routines, including, but not limited to "auto-responders" or cancel bots or other similar routines; (iv) to transmit or facilitate any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, telemarketing, promotional materials, "junk mail", unsolicited commercial or bulk email, or fax; (v) for activities adversely affecting the ability of other people or systems to use either Sprint's wireless services or other parties' Internet-based resources, including, but not limited to, "denial of service" (DoS) attacks against another network host or individual user; (vi) for an activity that connects any device to Personal Computers (including without limitation, laptops), or other equipment for the purpose of transmitting wireless data over the network (unless customer is using a plan designated for such usage); or (vi) for any other reason that, in our sole discretion violates our policy of providing service for individual use. Unlimited Use Plans. If you subscribe to rate plans, services or features that are described as unlimited, you should be aware that such "unlimited" plans are subject to these Sprint Prohibited Network Uses.
BTW, the above once again is for the "unlimited everything" plan from Sprint whom everyone all of a sudden thinks is so much better than VZW.
Also your not stealing, how is it stealing if you are paying for the service? That is stupid right there...I pay 165 a month and verizon gets there panties in a bunch. I am stealing? Seriously?

If you're paying for the tethering service you're not stealing, what are you getting so heated about?
So you can still use the app, you just can't get it from the market?

Not sure how that's so different than most other non-market apps, except where this one can be used to circumvent a tethering bill. Not like verizon is employing new methods to catch people doing it.

Also, market enabler will allow you to spoof your service provider, so you may still be able to get it from the market that way.

I rarely have ever tethered as a root user, im just saying though the title is a bit misleading is all.

On the gingerbread leak for the Droid X, they've implanted something to make apps like wifi tether/PDAnet not work.
I think that anyone smart enough to root their phone in the first place has the sense to just download these APKs online, anyways. Doesn't affect me!
I find this thread to be interesting on several levels.
Sadly though I think this thread shows most the one true downside to all the newer ways we use to communicate that we think of as instant and live but really are not.

Things devolve almost from jump street. And I don't believe it starts out deteriorating as a fault of those involved.

Without being a truly live discussion there is too much writing all at the same moment.
Misunderstandings and misstatements begin to enter, and as it is not a "live" back and forth.

Rather than immediately getting to clarify something or ask for clarification people either start attacking others with slams or mockery and name calling.

Someone may well be berating someone at the very moment that someone is editing their post to correct an error they missed, which we all have done since at the very least our a.i. keyboards can make errors like a normal person. I see a lot of people flashing custom toms.
And I know swype thinks eagle is a made up word, radle.

So great now we've got people speaking past one another, always beneficial in discussions.

And finally there is the false sense of power and lack of fear that is party of the package when you start an account anywhere. It's choose avatar, username which provides complete anonymity and as a bonus it provides people enough of a mask to say things they would never in a million years have the spine to say if they were identifiable and up close and personal.

I am saying we are all guilty in some way of doing this, but never really aware that we are doing it half the time or for that matter why we are acting in this manner.

I mean does calling others stupid ever really gain one points in an disagreement being followed by many.

Does the person that posted, what I found to be not all that nice and somewhat snide, to the gentleman serving in the military really think they would have said the same thing to his face?
Even if someone is full of hatred towards, say the military industrial complex, there is no reason to be so insulting to somewhat doing a thankless duty who is always in some type of danger. Even when a ship is in one of our own ports it is still a target of opportunity.

By the way thanks for your service and I think that if the military can find the way to misplace billions on this and that project, they can find a way to get you all the damn internet access that keeping you safe will allow, I mean that is radichio.

I'm guilty of these things, maybe not all but most. I just don't believe we take the time anymore to think about what we are doing, why we are doing it and what will be its effects.

This is just a discussion on a company that none of us run and the policies they have and we agreed to.
If we just look at it as what it is and not what it has turned into, you may well think some of your posts weren't maybe something you are all that proud of in retrospect. It's the case for all of us. Somehow we forget what the whole thing is about.
Someone with a different perspective isn't necessarily scum or a moron. In fact they may be incorrect, but that is it.
Saying that the information stated is factually incorrect because of a, b and c, will in fact further the discussion and not derail it into a battle of ego rather than intellect.
Someone being wrong on a thread is not a threat to anyone, so to respond like it is earth shattering and abusing them makes zero sense.

As to my stance with the tethering and legality, it is black and white.
The issue here is no one likes to be told the are stealing something even if they know they are. It's like when someone tells an overweight person that they really need to lose weight. They know that, they have mirrors. But just because something is true about us and we know it to be so, doesn't mean we like to fully embrace it our hear out from others.

I imagine if the word stealing was swapped with breaking your contract and not upholding your side of an agreement, there would be much fewer attempts to parse things...of course this is dependent on your partition and swappiness.

Holy god what have I done here.
Part of me thinks this will only come across preachy and I'm good and better than everyone else nana nene booboo. And I don't like that
and it isn't how I hope this is received. Message sent doesn't inherently mean message received.

But the anonymous part of me feels like yeah you the man. No, kidding about that.

Anyways I have decided to hit the submit button, lordy protect me.
Reason being there isn't anything in this post that I wouldn't be comfortable saying to anyone in person face to face.

Be kind, Rewind

walkin the walk while tappin the talk
. Tier you tethering plan.. make it $5 for 2 gigs, 10 for 5 gigs, 20 for 10 gigs. Put a no torrent policy in place and I am sure people will be willing to live with that.
sent from droidforums app

I could live with that, I could save $85 a month over 4 lines!!! We have 3 droids that are rooted and romed, tethering isn't all that. 2 of us use 2gb each and the others maybe 100-200mb. So paying $30 for 150 mb is a waste.
Real story: When Froyo was first released for the OG Droid, I noticed under "Settings -> Wireless & Networks" there was a new choice: "Tether." It worked fine if you were on a WiFi network, but if you were on a 3G connection, and you tried to access the web it took you to a page telling you this was an extra service you had to pay for.

So I called the number on that page because I was perfectly willing to pay for it (never know when you might need it, right?). Here's the thing: NO ONE I SPOKE TO AT VERIZON KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!

I was bounced from one department to the next. I tried to explain... this was THEIR phone. I had just installed an update THEY sent me. It took me to a page hosted on THEIR servers. No one knew what I was talking about!!

Finally they transferred me to someone at (ready for this??) GOOGLE!! The person I spoke to there is the one who told me about PDANet! So I downloaded it, installed it, and voila! USB Tethering without any additional charge!

And I agree with those who say "Data is data." It doesn't matter how it is accessed, you are paying for unlimited data, you should GET unlimited data. Put it this way... if I pay for a gallon of gasoline, am I charged any different if that gasoline is pumped into a car, a motorcycle, or a can? NO! I paid for a gallon of gasoline and I GET a gallon of gasoline. PERIOD! No gas station charges you differently for whatever you put that gallon of gasoline into. Data should be the same.

I use gasoline in my analogy because NOBODY is ripping off the consumer the way the oil and gas industry is right now, and even THEY have their limits.

Please calm down people. This is a good discussion and I don't want to have to close this thread.

sent from droidforums app

Well said. I just can't for the life of me figure out why those that think you talk about tethering and you do it that everyone thinks you assume it is ok, and wants to say vzw knows what you are doing.

If there goal is to eliminate tethering and can tell who is doing it why they would tiptoe around the issue, and not suspend your service. After all the allegations are it's harder on the system, and you are stealing.

The slinging of its in your TOS you would think that since you are in breech of that it would be noted that they can suspend you without warning.

At least that is what the Guy from Verizon said. The suspension part.

I'm just saying

Sent from my Droid

I think that's a pretty good way to lose a customer. I'm sure Verizon's goal is to stop tethering but to still keep you paying for their service.

So you are saying that vzw can tell who is tethering and who isn't, but chooses to look the other way while you abuse there internet?

Would you let someone keep borrowing your movies if they keep tearing them up?

And let us not forget that almost everyone with a tether app done so because the words crossed our lips "I'm not paying $20 extra for something I hardily use!" Or something similar.

Take a moment and step back to the mp3 phase. Everyone swore that they would put a stop to it. Now you can get them everywhere.

Sony has been fighting something similar on their psp. They are unable to stop it.

Unless the devs, and other persons involved just stop then tether will always be out there.

Sent from my Droid
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