Real story: When Froyo was first released for the OG Droid, I noticed under "Settings -> Wireless & Networks" there was a new choice: "Tether." It worked fine if you were on a WiFi network, but if you were on a 3G connection, and you tried to access the web it took you to a page telling you this was an extra service you had to pay for.
So I called the number on that page because I was perfectly willing to pay for it (never know when you might need it, right?). Here's the thing: NO ONE I SPOKE TO AT VERIZON KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!
I was bounced from one department to the next. I tried to explain... this was THEIR phone. I had just installed an update THEY sent me. It took me to a page hosted on THEIR servers. No one knew what I was talking about!!
Finally they transferred me to someone at (ready for this??) GOOGLE!! The person I spoke to there is the one who told me about PDANet! So I downloaded it, installed it, and voila! USB Tethering without any additional charge!
And I agree with those who say "Data is data." It doesn't matter how it is accessed, you are paying for unlimited data, you should GET unlimited data. Put it this way... if I pay for a gallon of gasoline, am I charged any different if that gasoline is pumped into a car, a motorcycle, or a can? NO! I paid for a gallon of gasoline and I GET a gallon of gasoline. PERIOD! No gas station charges you differently for whatever you put that gallon of gasoline into. Data should be the same.
I use gasoline in my analogy because NOBODY is ripping off the consumer the way the oil and gas industry is right now, and even THEY have their limits.
Please calm down people. This is a good discussion and I don't want to have to close this thread.
sent from droidforums app
Well said. I just can't for the life of me figure out why those that think you talk about tethering and you do it that everyone thinks you assume it is ok, and wants to say vzw knows what you are doing.
If there goal is to eliminate tethering and can tell who is doing it why they would tiptoe around the issue, and not suspend your service. After all the allegations are it's harder on the system, and you are stealing.
The slinging of its in your TOS you would think that since you are in breech of that it would be noted that they can suspend you without warning.
At least that is what the Guy from Verizon said. The suspension part.
I'm just saying
Sent from my Droid
forget that..!!!!!!! everybody tether away....!!!!!! ive paid for the data once.. im not goin to pay twice for something i have unlimited for.... sorry i dont mean to flame or troll... its just these companys dont know how else to rape us... when its bad enuff the people are just trying to mantain a roof over there heads and there still trying to bang you for something youve paid for already...
p.s im gulity of tethering but i dont go over 5 gigs with both phone and tethering together... i dont get greedy and hog up the system... but damn it i should be able to tether if i damn want to
I agree.... Verizon is gettin greedy.
Also your not stealing, how is it stealing if you are paying for the service? That is stupid right there...I pay 165 a month and verizon gets there panties in a bunch. I am stealing? Seriously?
4G is another topic entirely. I think if I tethered all month long on my 3G connection I couldn't get anywhere NEAR what someone on a 4G connection could do in a few days...
Of the 4 major carriers NO ONE offers truly unlimited data.
AT&T offers NO unlimited data plans for Android devices.
T-Mobile throttles you after a measly 2GB of data
And for everyone who wants to switch to Sprint ....... here's a little tidbit right off of the "details" page for their "Truly Unlimited Everything" plan. Look it up for your area code. Ready?
"Voice/Data Usage Limitation: Sprint reserves the right, without notice, to limit throughput speeds, and to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if off-network usage in a month exceeds: (1) voice: 800 min. or a majority of minutes; or (2) data: 300 megabytes or a majority of kilobytes. Prohibited network use rules apply. See in-store materials or for specific prohibited uses."
Also your not stealing, how is it stealing if you are paying for the service? That is stupid right there...I pay 165 a month and verizon gets there panties in a bunch. I am stealing? Seriously?
So you can still use the app, you just can't get it from the market?
Not sure how that's so different than most other non-market apps, except where this one can be used to circumvent a tethering bill. Not like verizon is employing new methods to catch people doing it.
Also, market enabler will allow you to spoof your service provider, so you may still be able to get it from the market that way.
I rarely have ever tethered as a root user, im just saying though the title is a bit misleading is all.
. Tier you tethering plan.. make it $5 for 2 gigs, 10 for 5 gigs, 20 for 10 gigs. Put a no torrent policy in place and I am sure people will be willing to live with that.
sent from droidforums app
Real story: When Froyo was first released for the OG Droid, I noticed under "Settings -> Wireless & Networks" there was a new choice: "Tether." It worked fine if you were on a WiFi network, but if you were on a 3G connection, and you tried to access the web it took you to a page telling you this was an extra service you had to pay for.
So I called the number on that page because I was perfectly willing to pay for it (never know when you might need it, right?). Here's the thing: NO ONE I SPOKE TO AT VERIZON KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!
I was bounced from one department to the next. I tried to explain... this was THEIR phone. I had just installed an update THEY sent me. It took me to a page hosted on THEIR servers. No one knew what I was talking about!!
Finally they transferred me to someone at (ready for this??) GOOGLE!! The person I spoke to there is the one who told me about PDANet! So I downloaded it, installed it, and voila! USB Tethering without any additional charge!
And I agree with those who say "Data is data." It doesn't matter how it is accessed, you are paying for unlimited data, you should GET unlimited data. Put it this way... if I pay for a gallon of gasoline, am I charged any different if that gasoline is pumped into a car, a motorcycle, or a can? NO! I paid for a gallon of gasoline and I GET a gallon of gasoline. PERIOD! No gas station charges you differently for whatever you put that gallon of gasoline into. Data should be the same.
I use gasoline in my analogy because NOBODY is ripping off the consumer the way the oil and gas industry is right now, and even THEY have their limits.
Please calm down people. This is a good discussion and I don't want to have to close this thread.
sent from droidforums app
Well said. I just can't for the life of me figure out why those that think you talk about tethering and you do it that everyone thinks you assume it is ok, and wants to say vzw knows what you are doing.
If there goal is to eliminate tethering and can tell who is doing it why they would tiptoe around the issue, and not suspend your service. After all the allegations are it's harder on the system, and you are stealing.
The slinging of its in your TOS you would think that since you are in breech of that it would be noted that they can suspend you without warning.
At least that is what the Guy from Verizon said. The suspension part.
I'm just saying
Sent from my Droid
I think that's a pretty good way to lose a customer. I'm sure Verizon's goal is to stop tethering but to still keep you paying for their service.