just wondering why some people are saying that the data isn't equal, as it is compressed more on the phone. I can easily change the user agent on my phone and it will pull th same data as a desktop. Also there are torrent apps for your phone that will let you download large files using just your phone. A person could use there phone as their desktop and their only source of the internet without tethering. So the data is created equal and a person can simply use a lot of data in a given month, i myself have used 8 gigs in a month without tethering. The people that use large amounts of data aren't necessarily tether abusers, and are using their phone in the way they are suppose to.
Also If they(verizon) can track what app is using the data then why haven't they already shut the people down that are using these apps. And if they can track that which i really don't know if they can or not. It would not be that difficult to make a ghosting app you mask where the data is going, as well as if you even have the app on your phone.
FYI, P2P filesharing is explicitly stated as prohibited in the TOS.
Verizon is obviously using a different tactic to prevent tethering. They pulled some of the apps from Google market and in the Gingerbread leak for the DX, D2, they break some of the tethering apps and pop up a paywall. Not hard to assume that eventually all phones will be updated this way. Earlier in this thread, there are a few of us who surmised the reason why they are taking this approach is because it is a simple, cheaper way to prevent some of the tethering without directly confronting the customer and possibly pushing them to another carrier. Remember, Verizon still wants your business. They just want people to stop tethering or to start paying for it.