thanks for the quick reply...i've only just installed it, so maybe that's the issue...sorry if i missed that disclaimer somewhere; my eyes are burned out from scouring threads about getting the stock FB widget working. i'll sit tight and update in a few hours if there's no development. Thanks again!
No problem! The OP in this thread is pretty darn long, but I don't think I have a disclaimer about that issue. It seems as though it only happens for a small number of people. Just for giggles, you could try disabling the permissions for bloo via your pc for a little while (don't remove authorization, just uncheck the permissions, or you'll have to get a code again) and then re-enabling them.
I seem to remember that the issue had something to do with whether or not someone's profile was set to private, but MINE is and MOST of the people who I leave comments and etc. on are, so I'm not sure if that's the whole problem.
Like I said, I'm supposed to be working on testing with the dev again later today, so I'll bring up this question and see if he's got a timeline idea about making a widget since so many people are interested.
On a side note, the chat feature is really awesome! I was chatting via bloo and had the chat open on my pc, and when I'd send a message, it'd show up on my pc by the time I looked up from my phone most of the time. Also, when I'd be on a different tab in the browser and hear the facebook pop sound on my pc, I'd look down and there would be a message on my phone.
I've gone through 3 versions with him already and they're just getting INCREASINGLY better. If you're not satisfied with the chat feature when it's finally released, I'll be happy to share with you this list of bugs/issues that he knew about when we started and that I brought to his attention (he already fixed most of my complaints and has said he can fix the rest with enough time to work on it) so you can really appreciate what he's done. However, I'm pretty confident that anyone interested in having Facebook chat on their phone will be very happy with his work. I'm still just using a beta version that he's got more work to do on today, but I'm uninstalling AIM, which I was using for FB chat, but that I didn't use as much as I've already used bloo chat in the last day. :icon_ banana: