Wife called me from ome today,, said her Droid had an update,, and it was dead after the update. She just called from the VZ store,, they said Droid went bye bye. They said it was the 2.2 update that killed it. Glad mine is rooted.
Wow, Verizon had 2 chances of getting Froyo right. :icon_evil: What ever happened to quality control? They should've taken their time like for 2.1. :angry:
I'm starting to think a lot of the problems (aside from download errors) are stemming from the 2.2 kernel, which is clocked higher by default than the 2.1 stock kernel. Some phones just can't be pushed faster than 550/600MHz. They're rare, but they do happen. The new kernel will clock up to 800MHz, and, well, if the phone can't do that it can't do that.
As such, it's not Verizon's QC that should be called into question, it's why Motorola didn't spec the Droid out at higher clock speeds before they bought all the chips that barely passed the 550MHz mark.