you are my hero!
It takes a lot to get me to reply on a forum and you sir have succeeded most fantastically!
Installed the 893 update and ran through the following tests:
1. Plug in headphones, what do I hear? NOTHING! Brilliant!
2. Start with Wi-Fi on. Toggle off. Bam, 4G! Wi-Fi back on. Seamless. Back off again. 4G!
3. Airplane mode. Off and more hunting. 4G, blue bars! And more bars that before.
Other observations...UI seems a tiny bit snappier. If anything is more noticeable, I'd say it's my lock-screen. Seems to track with my finger more readily, whereas before, I felt like unlock had a bit of a lag.
While I'm still within my 30 day window of return (Thanks Radioshack!), this is certainly a boost in the "keeping the Bionic" category.
As for the camera, I took a pic earlier tonight with Camera Zoom FX and again the same pick with stock camera. They look essentially the same. If anything, I'd give a slight edge to Camera Zoom FX...but that could be my fault just as well (a bit more in to my 22oz brew than when I took the first pic).
Either way, thanks and thanks again!
Oooh, and in case it wasn't clear to anyone yet:
1. Download file using your Bionic.
2. Unless setup otherwise, move from Download folder on non-external SD to root of external SD. (If you don't, update wont be found)
3. Look for updates through Settings/Phone Info/System Update.