After a few days useage im can honestly say I now enjoy my phone. Before I was afraid to use it do to my extended battery draining extremely fast, even with no widgets and hardly any use. From 6:30 am to 8 pm my battery would be around 20%. Without barely using it. Maybe 2-3 phone calls, 5 texts or so, and one or two minutes on facebook. It was horrible. Yesterday I used the phone hardcore with lots of calls and browsing, even a few downloads. At 8pm it was still at 60%. AWESOME!!!!!
As far as dropouts, ive had one, but it came back on in a few seconds. Im not really sure why it happened, but it did, but much better then my normal 10+ a day.
PS: Im on 3g, since 4g in my area is messed up after that mega snow storm. Verizon claims they will give credit back to 4g users for the downtime.