LOL at the complete arrogance and childishness displayed in this thread. Not by Motorola, but by everyone in here that thinks they are owed an unlocked bootloader from a company just because. Well thats just silly. Motorola, much like any other company on this planet would do, is just trying to protect its name and its reputation going forward. Yes, being able to load custom ROMs and kernels is nice, but at the same time, its ridiculously easy to screw up your phone if you're not careful, and when you do, and the phone is truly bricked, they know you are bound to return it, blame Motorola, and get a new one. Just look at how many times its happened on here. You are cutting down on their profits because you are actively erasing everything they set up on the device, screwing up, and returning it for a new one under a warranty they cannot verify that you broke.
This community, especially the ones who root their phones and install custom kernels is just a drop of water in the toilet for them. Go ahead, threaten to go somewhere else. I guarantee you that they really just don't care. They are just making a business decision, and if you don't like it, tough toodles. I'm sure they'll really care about the couple hundred thousand who use this ability when the remaining user-base is 100x greater, if not a whole heck of a lot more.