This is going to sound extremely rude and condescending but it's not meant to be so don't take it like that.... However, if you're not sure how to create a new folder and unzip some files from a zip file into it, I would caution you that this might not be the best procedure to follow. All I mean is that there has to be some expectation of at least some level of technical skill on the user's part. The house of Bionic script was written as a convenience for people moving through the Leaks. At no point was it designed was it designed as a "one click" solution for those that don't know what's going on under the covers. Again not trying to be rude but when modifying a locked phone you really should take the time to learn what the script is doing. If something goes wrong, which is definitely possible even with that script, you'll need to know what to do to fix it. At least with 232 or lower you can fire up rsd lite, open up the full 905 FXZ, and return to a factory reset state. No such luxury exists for 235 today so if you make a mistake or the script doesn't run correctly, it could be a very painful road forward. Take it from me... I brick mine last night 20 minutes before going to the movies because I was trying to write a new script to make it even easier and safer for people. It took some real ingenuity and script writing to unbrick myself. So I would think long and hard before you jump down this road.
That all being said, if you want to do this still...
O) download and install 7zip...Google it
O) download the fxz 905 zip file.
O) download the house of Bionic zip file
O) download the 235 updates zip file.
O) create a folder on your desktop called SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic
O) open the 905 FXZ zip file with 7zip
O) click into the folder in the zip so you can see a bunch of files
O) select all with control-a
O) then select extract and navigate to the desktop, SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder
O) when the files are extracted close the 905 FXZ and open the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic zip file in 7zip
O) control-a to select all files, extract to the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder
O) copy the 235 updates zip (do NOT extract it) to the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic \updates folder
O) ensure the latest motorola drivers are installed from the link in my thread
O) connect the phone to a USB port, enable usb debugging, and select the MTP mode
O) run the RUNME.bat file in the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder.
O) select the following options: 1 2 3 5. Do not use option 4. 6 is optional if you want root
Not to be a jerk but if you can't follow that, I really can't help you. Good luck.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2