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New ICS leak 6.7.235

I think Google being involved is helping Moto straighten out their updating practices. As for Verizon, I bet Google has a Moto Nexus Droid at some point to side step Verizon. That would be my next phone for sure.
I've heard rumors that Google is going to do _5_ Nexus devices from different MFG's in November to celebrate 5 years of Android. I've been waiting for the Samsung S3 developer phone to get released. If they keep delaying it much further, I may decide to hold off and see what comes out in November. I definitely know my next phone, coming soon, will be unlockable. I've truly had enough of this nonsense.
So do we have a list of changes from 232 > 235? Is the Favorite Contacts widget animated like it was in GB(I know, I know, it's silly)?
This is going to sound extremely rude and condescending but it's not meant to be so don't take it like that.... However, if you're not sure how to create a new folder and unzip some files from a zip file into it, I would caution you that this might not be the best procedure to follow. All I mean is that there has to be some expectation of at least some level of technical skill on the user's part. The house of Bionic script was written as a convenience for people moving through the Leaks. At no point was it designed was it designed as a "one click" solution for those that don't know what's going on under the covers. Again not trying to be rude but when modifying a locked phone you really should take the time to learn what the script is doing. If something goes wrong, which is definitely possible even with that script, you'll need to know what to do to fix it. At least with 232 or lower you can fire up rsd lite, open up the full 905 FXZ, and return to a factory reset state. No such luxury exists for 235 today so if you make a mistake or the script doesn't run correctly, it could be a very painful road forward. Take it from me... I brick mine last night 20 minutes before going to the movies because I was trying to write a new script to make it even easier and safer for people. It took some real ingenuity and script writing to unbrick myself. So I would think long and hard before you jump down this road.

That all being said, if you want to do this still...

O) download and install 7zip...Google it
O) download the fxz 905 zip file.
O) download the house of Bionic zip file
O) download the 235 updates zip file.
O) create a folder on your desktop called SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic
O) open the 905 FXZ zip file with 7zip
O) click into the folder in the zip so you can see a bunch of files
O) select all with control-a
O) then select extract and navigate to the desktop, SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder
O) when the files are extracted close the 905 FXZ and open the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic zip file in 7zip
O) control-a to select all files, extract to the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder
O) copy the 235 updates zip (do NOT extract it) to the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic \updates folder
O) ensure the latest motorola drivers are installed from the link in my thread
O) connect the phone to a USB port, enable usb debugging, and select the MTP mode
O) run the RUNME.bat file in the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic folder.
O) select the following options: 1 2 3 5. Do not use option 4. 6 is optional if you want root

Not to be a jerk but if you can't follow that, I really can't help you. Good luck.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

Could you post a snap shot of what is in your SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic desktop folder? I just want to be sure that I have everything needed in mine. Thanks
Could you post a snap shot of what is in your SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic desktop folder? I just want to be sure that I have everything needed in mine. Thanks

I actually would but right now mine's a mess because I've been developing new scripts so it definitely won't match what you should have. The standard 905 FXZ components should be in the root of the folder plus the following:

sub directories:

Additional files:

That last file isn't necessary but I include it just because. Your ICS update zip goes into the updates directory. The ics_boot_image folder is only used for 235+ users. utils has the adb and moto-fastboot files in it. razrs edge is the root installer from Dan R.
So Question Samuri, Battery life on 232 is killing me. I am also considering going back to 905 until the OTA comes out. If I run this and have 905 on my SD card, run the FXZ, then install the 905 update, will I be ok? or do I even need to run the 905 update?
So Question Samuri, Battery life on 232 is killing me. I am also considering going back to 905 until the OTA comes out. If I run this and have 905 on my SD card, run the FXZ, then install the 905 update, will I be ok? or do I even need to run the 905 update?

Let me reiterate what I've said many times about this. The script for keeping data is *NOT* for going back to GB. If you want to do that, you will need to do a full 905 FXZ and reset up your phone. You can restore apps and app data (mostly) but NOT system data. My script will not help you to do this. it's only for going from ics to ics builds.
Let me reiterate what I've said many times about this. The script for keeping data is *NOT* for going back to GB. If you want to do that, you will need to do a full 905 FXZ and reset up your phone. You can restore apps and app data (mostly) but NOT system data. My script will not help you to do this. it's only for going from ics to ics builds.

Yeah I figured that... And you confirmed my thinking. And if it hasn't been said before.. THANKS FOR YOUR HARD WORK. I work in IT Support and know enough to be dangerous. I appreciate people who take time to help.
Bionic_Racer said:
Could you tell me the steps to get to 235 from 232? I am worried about bricking as well and i cant get anyone to guide me through the process.

Either here or pm me i would appreciate it.

Step 1: pray to droid
Step 2: download all necessary files. 235 ota file. Place this in your root sd-ext. Download rsd lite and 905 fxz file and unzip. Unstuck bionic utility to root. Make sure phone is charged at least 80%
Step 3: install rsd
Step 4: place bionic in ap fastboot. Skip step 5.
Step 5: get your jumper cables ready:: connect phone to red and black leads then connect other end to car battery.
Step 6: use rsd to locate 905 fxz file open it until you reach the last file. Plug in your phone under ap fastboot via usb cable. Run program make a quick lunch eat drink then get ready for step 7.
Step 7: phone will reboot. Turn phone off go back into recovery and select install update from sd choose 235 file. Wait a few minutes for the install.
Step 8: optional root use unstuck to root.
Step 9: enjoy phone and reinstalling apps if you know how to backup apps woth nandroid or tibu great. I like a fresh install therefore i redo all appz from scratch after a factory and cache reset.