Often imitated, never duplicated! Focused 1.8.6

Sorry I opened such a can of worms! I guess I'll just try one-by-one and see which ones this ROM uses.

I know the myriad of warnings posted against restoring system data across roms, and I did it accidentally once. Fortunately my DX didn't a splode.

Like I said, I just like Titanium for all-in-one replacement and because I like to keep my texts, etc. I'm not trying to fly up in the face of a dev or anything. Sorry for derailing the thread :(

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Meh, it was I that derailed... and no worries.. really. :S
And I'm not much of a dev.. just trying to help. (not sure how much help I am ranting about backup software.. bleh.. but it's out of my system for a while again now.. ;)

No harm no foul, if it rubbed anyone the wrong way, please accept my apologies. :(
What are the consequences of 'cell stand by' always being high? And what could be causing it?

Sent from my DROIDX

I know the thread is long now.. I don't have a link to one (of many) times that drod has advised that this is a glitch, it just displays incorrectly, and does not have an affect on battery life.

I should probably go look one up, and add it to the FAQ...

Edit: Nevermind, already in FAQ:

Q: Why is my cell standby ~50%?! That's why my phone dies in 0.02 seconds!!!!1!1
A: No.. Your phone dies because A: you are overclocked and your phone doesn't like it, B: Your phone doesn't like my tweaks or C: Your phone doesn't like me, period. Cell standby is a graphical bug caused by improper permissions. Currently, I can fix it, but if I do, you cannot wipe system before installing without a hard brick. My rom AUTOMATICALLY wipes system, and I will not get rid of that feature because it saves A LOT of issues on my end, and on yours.
interesting lol yea cause my battery is just fine...alrighty well thanks

What are the consequences of 'cell stand by' always being high? And what could be causing it?

Sent from my DROIDX

I know the thread is long now.. I don't have a link to one (of many) times that drod has advised that this is a glitch, it just displays incorrectly, and does not have an affect on battery life.

I should probably go look one up, and add it to the FAQ...
Edit: Nevermind, already in FAQ:

Q: Why is my cell standby ~50%?! That's why my phone dies in 0.02 seconds!!!!1!1
A: No.. Your phone dies because A: you are overclocked and your phone doesn't like it, B: Your phone doesn't like my tweaks or C: Your phone doesn't like me, period. Cell standby is a graphical bug caused by improper permissions. Currently, I can fix it, but if I do, you cannot wipe system before installing without a hard brick. My rom AUTOMATICALLY wipes system, and I will not get rid of that feature because it saves A LOT of issues on my end, and on yours.
What are the consequences of 'cell stand by' always being high? And what could be causing it?

Sent from my DROIDX

This is answered in the FAQ thread that is also posted in my section.

Cell standby is a graphical bug, caused by incorrect permissions in the phone app (a small permission that would cause it to read the actual use of the phone and connectivity wrong) and there are NO negative nor positive affects of this. It is normal until I set them right, which this is at the BOTTOM of my to do list since A. i'm redoing framework with the help of kejar31 and the rest of team defuse and B. since it's a graphic bug and not an actual bug that affects your use of the phone
interesting lol yea cause my battery is just fine...alrighty well thanks

What are the consequences of 'cell stand by' always being high? And what could be causing it?

Sent from my DROIDX

I know the thread is long now.. I don't have a link to one (of many) times that drod has advised that this is a glitch, it just displays incorrectly, and does not have an affect on battery life.

I should probably go look one up, and add it to the FAQ...
Edit: Nevermind, already in FAQ:

Q: Why is my cell standby ~50%?! That's why my phone dies in 0.02 seconds!!!!1!1
A: No.. Your phone dies because A: you are overclocked and your phone doesn't like it, B: Your phone doesn't like my tweaks or C: Your phone doesn't like me, period. Cell standby is a graphical bug caused by improper permissions. Currently, I can fix it, but if I do, you cannot wipe system before installing without a hard brick. My rom AUTOMATICALLY wipes system, and I will not get rid of that feature because it saves A LOT of issues on my end, and on yours.

Some people have a placebo type effect with cell standby, and blame it on their battery life, that's why I put that in the FAQ, not necessarily cause every single person thinks it does :)

It really doesn't, that was the point. No worries, it does not affect your phone other than not looking nice
Alright, now I do have a quick question... I was previously using tranQ and my speed dial was working, but it seems that with rubix I don't have any speed dial capabilities. Is that a blur option or something? Or did I just miss a setting somewhere? Sorry, still new at this. Thanks for the help!

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Apologize - found the answer to my question via "Search Thread". Not a big forums user, noticed it after I posted.


ten chars.
Edit: Sorry, had to. Someone used the "Search Thread" option at the top.. I'm still just in awe! You sir (or madam, as the case may be), while not a big forums user, are a god among forums users!

Apparently the forums app for here doesn't like me. First, it didn't show your response at all when you quoted me... and I just tried to submit a response to you in this message and it only took a small portion of it ... hmmm.

Anyway, I read the comment when I got home from working this morning and had to comment and say thanks for the early morning laugh :D Now that I go looking for the "search Thread" option again, I can't find it >.> Must've been a fluke... some momentary lapse of stupidity where I actually did something smrt ... that's right .. s-m-r-t ... smrt...
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Ok not to change the topic....i did download alogcat and set the settings as instructed. Sure enough about 30 min ago i was driving home and it crashed. I checked alogcat after it rebooted......it seems to delete the error log after restart. I can't tell what error was thrown out......am i doing something wrong?

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Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
it doesnt delete logs after reboot... but its possible that its filtering the logs at too high the level. if the reboot was caused by something at the "error" lever rather than the "fatal" level (which is surprising to me) then you wouldnt see logs for it if you have your level set to fatal. so you should try setting the level to error instead, and waiting for another crash. sry...
Alright, now I do have a quick question... I was previously using tranQ and my speed dial was working, but it seems that with rubix I don't have any speed dial capabilities. Is that a blur option or something? Or did I just miss a setting somewhere? Sorry, still new at this. Thanks for the help!

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Good question!
The speed dial is actually there in the framework... (you can see this by holding down the 1 button, as it's probably still configured by default to dial voicemail).
But, the AOSP dialer (phone.apk) doesn't have the option to configure it.
I did have it set to error logs. When the phone rebooted i checked program and all log history was gone.

hmmm... its designed to retain logs through reboot, not sure why yours are clearing. wish i could be more help. it's also possible your reboots are simply a result of the same bug that causes reboots on 2.2 in general, something motorola is aware of and are hopefully fixing in their next update
Watch out!!!! Rubi x focused 186 i installed this and was truly feeling it. Right up until i continued to see picture folders drop off card. WHAT THE #$^&**% (uninstalled till fix)
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