I seem to be having some issues with Gmail. Here's what I did:
-Installed Apex 1.3, but didn't realize I did not have the .340 OTA kernel update. Phone actually worked fine until I tried to take some pictures with the camera and the pictures were not saving properly (were corrupted and could not view them).
-Restored a nandroid back to stock 2.2 rooted.
-Did the OTA update.
-For whatever reason, after the update, I could not go into recovery through Bootstrap. I would hit the "Bootstrap Recovery", got the success! notification, but when I hit "Reboot Recovery", nothing happened.
-Went into stock recovery. My friend was playing with it and when we rebooted the phone, it went into recovery. No idea how that happened, but I'll call myself lucky.
-Installed 1.3 Apex and a compatible theme. I did not wipe data or cache because the nandroid had a basically clean 2.2 version with some apps that got loaded on from my SD.
-Everything great, camera works, but Gmail will not sync. It synced last night, when all of this was done, but this morning, there's the sync icon on the notification bar. I've tried rebooting, uninstalling updates, wiping data, and it just will not sync.
Correction, it actually does sync, it just synced some new emails, but I just had a friend email me again and it didn't pick that one up right away and the sync icon is still up there. So I'm guessing it just takes forever and a half to sync.