I don't know if this has come up in here before, but I wanted the numeric battery icons back and was afraid that the update from 1.3.0 would revert some goodness from the framework in 1.3.1.
So I extracted the 1.3.1 framework and put the numeric battery icons in there myself (this way I'm sure to have not un-done anything)
In case anyone wants it, I packaged it up in an zip file that you can install via clockwork. This is for an un-Themed version of apex 1.3.1!
Also, I packaged up a version of services.jar that removes data throttling. Basically if you live in a blanketed throttle area, or commonly go over 5gb per month in usage, this will help your speeds out quite a lot.
The basics on what I did for the throttle are found here
[GUIDE] How to defeat data throttling - xda-developers
Hope this can help someone.