Actually yeah, I am using the Email app to sync my Yahoo! account. I am going to delete it and reboot.........see what happens.
I am also using the corporate sync (the white one) to sync my work email, I might delete that one as well to see if it changes anything.
EDIT: I have Beautiful Widgets installed too, but it has never caused any problems for me. If the email deletion does not work, I will try removing BW to see what happens.
EDIT 2: It was the corporate email that was causing the problem. I removed it and the cpu is not being taxed for five minutes as's only taxed as the phone reboots and finishes loading up the system, then normal cpu usage ensues.
Glad we could find the culprit...and happy I was actually able to add some level of value to a discussion on this board rather than just perpetually mooching information.