Bleh, ya.. Google Backup restored terminal emulator via the Market.I didn't even notice it was in there.
Looking at the ROM, I DO see the file, so you're spot on. heh. Good stuff!
I'm glad I'm not losing itI installed Android Terminal Emulator as a work around.
So what method do you use to restore data/setting files for programs since you use Google Backup and does you recommend whatever method for folks? Or does Google Backup restore data files as well?
I saw that Titanium Backup can create an but it sounds like that covers just apps and not data? Thanks for your or anybody's input.
Took me about 20 mins to get my apps configured how I like them (logins and passwords, etc.), and that's for 84'ish apps, iirc.
Careful if you're using titanium to backup from one install/ROM, and restoring to something different, it can cause more problems than it's worth. :S