Motorola Droid Maintenance Release Prelude to Android 2.1

No update January 22nd fail......

How is it a fail?

When did Verizon publicly promise anything for January 22nd?

Aside from a leaked internal document from last year...and a few rumors here and there...there was nothing else promising you anything on the 22nd.

A fail would have been Verizon announcing via press release that the OTA to 2.1 was starting on the 22nd and providing support documents on their website like they did for 2.01...and then nothing happening on the 22nd.
It was a fail on everybodys part that stayed up all night waiting for it
I don't know what's worse. Knowing there may not be an update or that people were actually staying up waiting for it to arrive.
It's like being in the crackberry forums all over again with update rumors. Unlike my storm OS I am not having any issues with the Android 2.0.1 on the Droid. It's stable, fast, and it DOES.
It's like being in the crackberry forums all over again with update rumors. Unlike my storm OS I am not having any issues with the Android 2.0.1 on the Droid. It's stable, fast, and it DOES.

I like this so much I wanted to quote it just so people can read it again.

I've said it so many times, if you've come from a Storm you appreciate Droid so much more.
It's like being in the crackberry forums all over again with update rumors. Unlike my storm OS I am not having any issues with the Android 2.0.1 on the Droid. It's stable, fast, and it DOES.

I like this so much I wanted to quote it just so people can read it again.

I've said it so many times, if you've come from a Storm you appreciate Droid so much more.

I wanted to quote both of you :)

:motdroidhoriz: for life <IMG SRC="insert android pissing on blackberry logo here">
I had the storm and the tour and I am much more happier with the droid. But just cause it works better than RIM crappy OS does not mean it cant be better and they cant do small releases even if it is every week to fix bugs as they are released. Yes that is a very aggressive schedule but look at any other linux distro (like ubuntu) as patches are submitted you can apply them if you so choose.

Android is a linux based OS. Why not allow this? I dont see why it could not, it would not kill the network not only allow OTA but allow pc/mac/nix based updates. Download and then copy to the SD card and apply. Not a hard thing to do. Not a bad thing to do. Yes I know VZW needs to ensure it is not gonna kill their network updates base but it is keep the phone OS intact and very much up to date. Once things are nice and stable and no bugs are constantly being found. Then go to a less aggressive update schedule. Keep the techies happy and content. Keeps the normal users in the know and maybe even teach them a thing or two. And then for the ones who could care less, let them stay in the dark until a service pack type release is pushed out and is made mandatory.

I know a lot of people who read this will go WTF and say this is crazy, but if the linux distros can do it then why not for a phone. It does not constantly have to be pushed OTA if you want to say ohh noes the carriers bandwidth will be saturated and users will complain about VZW's network or the carrier you are on is like the crappy ATT network.

Then you will get the group that says no you cant do that it will cause more bricked phones. Fine make a icon that the user can click on to automate the install so it does not have to be done in the recovery. It can be a script to do it all by itself and the user just has to say have the phone plugged into a power source if you feel the bricking can be done from having no battery charge.

Now for the user error that can also be part of the above paragraph. If computers and smartphones get any more simple they are going to have one button and become sentient. We can dummy proof everything we have to make the so called dumb users a little more intelligent when it comes to devices. If not the devices and technologies will get even more stifled.

Ok I will shut up now.

Yes these update threads do remind me of crackberry, a site I have not visited since I got my droid back in early November.
It's like being in the crackberry forums all over again with update rumors. Unlike my storm OS I am not having any issues with the Android 2.0.1 on the Droid. It's stable, fast, and it DOES.

I like this so much I wanted to quote it just so people can read it again.

I've said it so many times, if you've come from a Storm you appreciate Droid so much more.
+1. I like this statement too.
I dont get it. Why they are denying there was a small OTA update. I GOT ONE monday, I think monday. I know what I got. I know it was a system update. A little grey screen popped up. Once I hit the update button, it took the phone to some little blank screen with nothing on it but a little box like package opening or somthing like that. This is nuts! I just know what I got that morning was unlike anything I have ever recieved. I bought my phone december 17th .
I don't think are denying that. They said that they haven't released any updates since December. I think some people are just now getting (or re-getting) that same update.
Does anyone have a link to the 'maintenance release'? The real 2.0.1 was only 10 megs, is this a complete image?