You guys are on to me.. I must go back to the future to warn myself..
In other news, I (the uber clone who killed the original drod.. dang did i just confess??) perfected the other clones that the inferior drod couldn't program to code..
So expect rubiX 2.0 - 10.5 to be out tomorrow.
In REAL news, early reports of the alpha are good. My last final is tomorrow, so I'll be trying to push the rom to beta stage in the next couple of days, as well as working on an aosp.
That all sounds great. A little too long a timeframe for me to hold my breath and wait, but I'll do my best. Expect large gasps for air from me until the new version is up.
And good luck on your final final!!
The 3 week time frame is because I don't do good with etas.. but I know that I can get everything done in that time period
It will not be released after New Years Day. New Years Eve i'll likely be gone all day/night, so that's not a good day either. You don't want me working on this drunk . Anything before is free game, but it's highly unlikely to come out before Christmas Eve/Day.
Hey man, no rush here. I've got plenty of stuff to break while your busy doing your thing.
I'm pretty sure that no one here expects exact due dates or perfect timelines from you. People tend to get pushy when you do such good work, but they just need to be reminded of how you are doing this for fun in your free time. You're not collecting a paycheck for this.
I hope I can speak for everyone on this forum that we really do appreciate the work you do and the support you provide. Some other devs don't do half as much as I've seen you do, and I know you're real busy with real life kinda stuff too.
Oh yeah. I think a drunken drod rom might actually be kinda fun. :icon_ devil:
Edit: Yipee, finally made 100 posts. Now I'm "Senior Droid". I feel smarter already