I wonder if the Droid 2 keeps all of it's Froyo-promised features.
Droid 2 has Wifi hotspot, yes.
But this was never officially "promised" to anyone for any specific device. It was simply a feature that could be implemented with Froyo, which is all Google meant when they announced it. It means that the kernel is capable of supporting the app, should the carrier choose to implement it (and the hardware fully supports it).
The problem with the Droid 1 is that the Wifi chipset doesn't officially support a wifi hotspot feature. Wifi tether works, but that sets up an ad-hoc network; not an infrastructure network. Ad-hoc works fine with about 90% of the devices on the market, however, the remaining 10% are out of luck. In order to be a TRUE wifi hotspot, the device should be capable of acting like a true wifi router. Since the Droid 1 is not, the feature is not included. The Droid 2's newer 802.11n capable wifi chipset is capable of infrastructure mode, and thus the feature is there.