I was gonna pull the trigger on the TB. I would have to pay full price though being as i just renewed to get a NE2 one last time. Decided though that this is NOT the phone i want.
Likely it will be the last single core processor phone (especially a 4G phone). I know by the end of the year the dual cores will be out or near out in the wild. After taking into consideration of getting into another 2 contract and paying full price in the first place, i would be stupid to get it. Would be nice to have for 6 months but thats about it.
I can kinda see where your coming from, but I don't really see dual cores making a big difference any time soon. There are not many games that take advantage of dual core now, and probably not that many in the works. Maybe some in the early planning stages, but none of the smaller devs will bother anytime soon till the dual core situation settles down a bit and they see where things are headed.
I could be wrong, but I just don't see dual cores doing anything all that special before this time next year. Sure there will be lots of dual core phones dropping this year, but software always lags
FAR behind hardware.
I'll have to call my brother tonight. He works for GLU (actually did most of the art for Gun Bros) and see if dual core is even on their radar at this point.