Need to know info can be jointly decided. If you know you are having issues that may cause a delay both could post on their respective pages "we are currently working on a few minor technical details. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience it has caused our customers. We are working as hard and as fast as we can to ensure the customer will get a quality device that we are known for producing. We will keep you up to date with more information as soon as we can . Thanks again "
^that is how you get in front of it and not allow bloggers to take here say from "sources" and potentially run off customers.
I'm not sure that releasing a statement about a "few minor technical issues" would do anything but throw water on an oil fire.
VZW "Hey fans, we appreciate all the excitement about the anticipated launch of the ThunderBolt by HTC. We're excited too! Verizon 4G LTE is America’s fastest, most advanced 4G network & we want to ensure the advanced technology behind our first 4G LTE phone is flawless. We will announce its release date as soon as it is confirmed. Thanks for your support & patience while we work to bring you the ThunderBolt by HTC."
That statement was released on Feb 28th. I have yet to see a decrease in complaints, blogging or speculation.
Just my POV.