Sounds like a plan to me Jer!
Im with you on both thoughts.... If Verizon wants to change my contract which effects me negatively, then they should let me out of my contract early with no penalty....that should be the way it is.... Thats what a contract is for... and if they want to change it, then they must let me out of it. Concerning Sprint/Verizon towers... My home is in a Sprint roaming area, and service is horrible... but Nextel is great go figure.... I question your thought regarding sprint roaming off verizon tower... I have Verizon now, and roomate has Sprint...his service sucks, but when he switches to roam, its better.... always thought he was roaming to Nextel tower which is great service here, but found out Nextel different signal all together.... so he must be reading off of alltel/verizon tower when roaming.... think I just answered my own question! :icon_eek: Getting late... going to attempt to get out of my contract and go back to Nextel where the service, vm, data plans, minutes, mobile to mobile, off peak starting at 7pm, no charge for calling vm, ETC!!! is MUCH BETTER!